Tag Archives: Market

Hot tips in Home Design: A report from Atlanta

As is with fashion, color is still the big “it”Janna copy element with home design and decoration—and in this month’s issue of Nashville Lifestyles, several top local designers pointed out that their favorite trends involved big pops of color.

Several years ago we saw bold color in accessory pieces and furniture, then we took a bigger step and incorporated bold color statements on our walls. Now it is all about floor coverings, specifically, rugs. The focal point at Atlanta’s America’s Mart this January was rugs, rugs, rugs. Rather than a piece of painted furniture in your favorite jewel tone or edgy color, we are now seeing bold prints and strong color contrast with the lowest and largest flat surface; the floor and your rug.



The most important thing to remember in choosing a rug is that you will be living with the color palate and pattern for awhile, so make sure it is a color that you align with and enjoy experiencing on a daily basis.

Case in point: I wanted to add drama to my fairly neutral color scheme in my home so I chose the color red. That’s not a color that I have had in my homes over the years, but I thought it would bring a different energy to my home. I added a contemporary leather chair and a large piece of original art with reds in my great room, and a very bold red rug in my mossy green, black and silver dining room. Being raised in Southern California, I grew up around water, so my home always stayed within those cooler tones. With this new bold color added to my serene  green and cream mix, I found that red to be disruptive to the “cool flow” each time I walked into those rooms. Remember to be careful in choosing a new color and make sure you want it to “live with you.” Reds, oranges, and yellows are energetic and powerful so make sure the room can handle that contrast if you are the neutral  or relaxed cool color type.

—Janna Landry, Director of Business Development

Trends from Atlanta Market’s “Cash and Carry”

I love home design and decorating and I’m never satisfied unless I am redesigning a room or two in my house, so I love going to Atlanta for Market.  I’ve been going there for years with my interior designer buds and depending on the various design jobs that we have taken on for clients, friends, or just for us, we’re always looking for something fabulous to make a statement in a room.


January and July are the main design shows featuring the home design trends for the upcoming season, but on off months, there’s what’s called “Cash and Carry.”  The showrooms clean out their current “samples” in anticipation of stocking the new products for the next season and these samples can be had for a very good price. The key is to get there early in the 2-3 day period or you’re stuck looking at or purchasing the “leftovers.” It’s also fun to see what the showrooms are setting up for the next season.


This spring, interior design colors are definitely taking a richer direction.  Those neutral, thick textured fabrics are still around, but are married with deep blue and gray colors to present more contrast in your rooms. These cool colors are rich and deep in tone to making a bolder statement than in recent years. If you’re brave, throw in some trendy accent color like a burnt orange to pair with those neutrals and blue/grays. Another great look is adding shimmery metallic fabrics and pieces for drama if you want the palette to stay on the serene, cool side. I can’t wait to go back in January for more discovery and eye candy.


Janna Landry, Director of Business Development